Editors’ Corner
Surely there is no one President Barack Obama and the Democrats would rather run against this fall than Rick Santorum.
If you think about it, some of the hottest political controversies of our time center around the energy problem -- from Obama's corrupt loans to the failed Solyndra enterprise, to the disastrous Deepwater Horizons oil spill. Politicians stand to lose a lot when their energy bets go bad. That holds true whether the mantra is "Kumbaya, and let's go hug a tree" or "Drill, baby, drill."...More
A new compromise would allow religious universities and other non-profits to exempt themselves form providing insurance coverage for birth control. So has Obama finally warmed up to the principle of religious liberty? Don't count on it.
Last month, the school system in New London, Conn., announced it would start distributing free birth control pills to high school girls. It's another example of the government inserting itself into the private life of kids in order to do the work parents ought to be doing.
Last fall, after coming under federal investigation for alleged Title IX violations related to creating a hostile sexual environment for women, Yale administrators announced that the biennial pornification of Yale, aka “Sex Week,” would no longer be allowed to take place on campus. It only took them a few weeks to reverse their decision.