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Advice to Female College Students: ‘Don’t Play the Victim’

Joanna Williams at spiked urges women at colleges not to “play the victim card” when there isn’t any actual occurrence of sexual violence:

As I’ve argued before on spiked, there is no evidence to suggest an explosion in sexual violence at British universities. Instead, the current talk of a university ‘rape culture’ is merely the product of female students being encouraged to interpret the messy, uncomfortable and perhaps regrettable processes that are involved in negotiating relationships and sex through the prism of rape. The introduction of compulsory lessons in how to ensure sexual consent at many universities will only exacerbate this trend.

The proliferation of white ribbons also reveals the narcissism at the heart of feminism today. Ribbons, wristbands and online selfies, the most visible forms of modern feminist campaigning, only act as a public display of the wearer’s emotionally correct credentials.

She notes that practically anything, like the shootings at Isla Vista or the Boko Haram kidnappings, gets turned into a feminist crusade … at “how they, too, have suffered at the hands of men.”

Read the full article here.

h/t: Instapundit

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