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BOOK REVIEW: James O’Keefe’s ‘Breakthrough’

David DesRosiers reviews James O’Keefe’s book, “Breakthrough,” for the Washington Times:

There are no Pulitzers for those who slaughter liberal sacred cows. Reading “Breakthrough,” you see just how vested, retaliatory and hypocritical the mainstream media can be when you break through their narratives. In this world, James O’Keefe and Andrew Breitbart are right-wing scum, and Scott Prouty — who surreptitiously captured Mitt Romney’s 47 percent remark in a two-party consent state — and David Korn of Mother Jones magazine are protectors of our democracy. While Mr. O’Keefe was prosecuted for entering a federal building on a false pretense, Curtis Morrison, who bugged Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office, got the Justice Department’s protections as a journalist.

My own opinion is that our democracy is well served by this kind of undercover “gotcha-razzi” journalism. It would be nice if partisans policed their own conduct, but human nature gets in the way. However, if the other side is watching for misdeeds, and the third button on a shirt just might be a hidden camera, better behavior is the inevitable byproduct. Captured on tape is the best antiseptic.

“Breakthrough” ought to be read by every aspiring journalist. Some might not like Mr. O’Keefe’s ends, but it is hard not to be impressed with his sheer courage…

Read the full review here.

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