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College Republicans detail the struggles they face when it comes to dating

If a girl went on a date with Will Nardi and got to know him, she’d see that she shouldn’t turn him down simply because he identifies as a Republican.

“They would see that I’m not some far-right, radical, white nationalist Nazi or anything like that  —  that I’m a very reasonable and thoughtful character about my beliefs,” Nardi says.

However, many times Nardi doesn’t get the chance to prove that point.

“If I see a beautiful girl and I want to go up to her and I say hi, and I tell her I’m a Republican, that might be the deal breaker right there for 50 percent of women,” Nardi says.

Nardi, a student reporter for The College Fix, made those comments in a recent article, published by The Boston Globe Magazine, that highlights the struggles college-aged Republicans face when it comes to dating. As an example of those struggles, the article points to a recent encounter involving Nardi.

From the article:

A few months ago, William Nardi, a junior at UMass Boston, hit it off with a girl he met by chance at a coffee shop downtown. But the next day, he received a direct message from her on Instagram, where he describes himself as a “Lincoln Republican” and has posted about his right-wing beliefs.

“You’re a conservative?” she messaged.

After he replied yes, the girl never messaged him back.

Nardi isn’t alone in having to navigate the dating world with his political views in mind. Anastasia Kourtis, treasurer of the Massachusetts Alliance of College Republicans, said she doesn’t mention her political views at all in her Tinder dating app profile “to avoid clashing with ‘super liberal’ guys who, she says, might send her obnoxious messages criticizing her political leanings.”

“There’s so much more to me than my political views,” Kourtis told Boston Globe Magazine.

With younger Americans only becoming more liberal, it appears millennial conservatives will continue to face issues when comes to dating. For instance, Boston Globe Magazine notes that just a sliver of college students even say they are conservatives:

Only about 20 percent of college freshmen nationwide called themselves conservative  —  with another 2 percent self-identifying as far right  —  according to a 2016 survey, but the pool is likely smaller in blue state Massachusetts. A recent Gallup Poll found that 92 percent of students believe liberals are able to freely express their views on campus, while 69 percent believe conservatives can. Right-leaning students can turn to dating sites or apps geared to them  —  such as Conservatives Only, Libertarian Passions, and Patrio  —  but many say they’ve had more success with old-fashioned matchmaking methods.

Read the full story.

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