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Get a free copy of ‘Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism’

Was Jesus a progressive? Did “unfettered capitalism” cause the Great Depression? Does the minimum wage help poor people?

These are some of the subjects that students often confront on campus, and they are tackled in Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism, a book you can get for free from the Foundation for Economic Education.

Former economics professor Lawrence Reed, the president of FEE, wrote the book to give students statistics and arguments “to challenge 52 common narratives they face from professors and peers on campus,” as The College Fix wrote at a book release party last year:

“Each chapter is intended to be a rebuttal with ammunition, intellectual ammunition for students in particular, but anybody to comeback and answer those myths and misconceptions,” Reed said. …

One of Reed’s personal favorite chapters in the book addresses the liberal notion that if Jesus Christ were alive today, he would probably endorse income redistribution. …

“He did urge that people should be caring and thoughtful and compassionate and responsible and to take care of your family and those around you,” Reed said. “But that was always a personal calling. He never said ‘You don’t have to worry about that, let’s just get the politicians to do it.’”

Get your free copy here, and read our original report.

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