Chinese entities have donated more than $27 million to Stanford University since 2021, according to a recent analysis by The Washington Free Beacon.
The publication said these donations “[underscore] the Communist Party’s influence-peddling operations at major American colleges.”
It reported:
The funding came through 42 donations throughout 2021 and into early 2022, according to the latest figures publicly available through the Education Department’s reporting database. The database does not specify the exact source of the funding, beyond the country of origin, but details the total amount of every gift and contract from the CCP as part of federal reporting requirements. Stanford did not respond to a Washington Free Beacon request for further information about the donations or its partnerships with China.
There could be political consequences for taking in piles of cash from China, the Free Beacon reported.
“The opacity of this funding—and the millions of dollars China hands out to a range of prominent U.S. universities—could place Stanford in Congress’s crosshairs as the Republican-controlled House ramps up investigations into Chinese influence-peddling,” the Free Beacon reported. “Stanford University is not the only university raking in cash from China—the University of Delaware, which houses the Biden Institute, since 2017 has taken more than $6 million from the country.”
Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana told the publication that “[c]olleges are likely pocketing even more than reported.”
“Even worse, the Biden administration shut down all ongoing investigations into the Chinese Communist Party’s influence efforts at our universities,” Congressman Banks said. “House Republicans need to force Joe Biden’s hand and pass legislation to crack down on foreign influence at our universities.”
“It’s outrageous that schools like Stanford are taking millions from Beijing while partnering with [the Defense Department],” Banks also said. “While some institutions like Purdue, a hypersonics research hub in my state, cut off all ties with its [Chinese] Confucius Institute over espionage concerns, not all schools take national security seriously, and the White House is making it easier than ever for them to cozy up with China.”
MORE: Higher ed should disclose China financial ties or lose funding
IMAGE: Gil Corzo/Shutterstock
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