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UChicago refuses to cancel student who criticized Bud Light

The University of Chicago Law School refused to cave to cancel culture after it shared an article by one of its students Ben Ogilvie, who is also a reporter for The College Fix.

Ogilvie criticized corporations going woke and promoting the LGBT agenda as part of the Wall Street Journal’s “Future View” section, which highlights commentary from college students.

The law school shared the article on its LinkedIn which drew backlash from Ogilvie’s peers.

Ogilvie wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

That post received 36 ugly comments from 23 alumni and students, along with more than 500 likes and reactions. The school also received an open letter of denunciation from 22 law-student organizations.

The letter complains that by noting my writing, the school “lionizes rhetoric that labels queer people—particularly transgender people—as harbingers of ‘bad vibes’ and casts affirmative public support of transgender people as ‘creepy.’”

Fortunately, his school is not as easily bullied as others, the law student wrote.

“My experience shows how the Chicago Principles work in practice. If I were at a different school, I might have been railroaded or officially denounced. Some of my classmates complained to the university’s DEI bureaucracy and communications team, but they were rebuffed,” he wrote. “Administrators here consistently protect free speech, so students can write whatever they want without winding up in university discipline purgatory.”

“Yet if the University of Chicago can stand up to their demands for censorship and suppression of dissent, why can’t other schools,” he asked.

Read the full article.

IMAGE: University of Chicago Law School

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