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Christine Pelosi: ‘Biggest Issue Facing America Today Is Income Inequality’

Political strategist Christine Pelosi, daughter of U.S. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, told the The Daily Princetonian in a Q&A after a campus speech Friday at Princeton University that “I think the biggest issue facing America today is income inequality.”

DP: What do you see as the biggest issue facing America today, and how would you solve it?

CP: I think the biggest issue facing America today is income inequality, and I would solve it by more investments in education and in the kind of education that helps people get jobs. So that would begin, of course, in grammar school classrooms, with kids who come out of either Head Start or universal pre-K, ready to learn and feeling valued, but also that people are taught practical skills that can help them get jobs and rebuild the country and think and dream in imaginative ways. I think … even if you had all the money in the world, if all you did was send everybody to college, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that everybody would get a fulfilling job and that everybody would be able to live up to their fullest potential. But you have to start somewhere. And giving people the educational tools they need to be able to shift our country from a manufacturing country, industrial-based into a knowledge-based economy wherever we can, and reinvigorating the manufacturing that we need in our infrastructure is the only way you’re really going to start to equalize that. So I think that the overall income equality is the biggest problem. I would solve it with more education, I would solve it with more investment in jobs and I would solve it with comprehensive immigration reform.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Read the full interview.

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