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College Football Could Be Headed for a BCS Nightmare

The unpopular BCS system may have one more year-end controversy to hand college football fans before it is replaced with a new playoff system next season.

Adam Kramer writers for Bleacher Report:

A familiar scenario is gaining steam. There are two spots to fill in the last BCS National Championship, and there are—at the moment—more than two undefeated teams warranting consideration for a spot in this final showcase.

History tells us that the losses will come. It tells us things will eventually sort themselves out, just like they always do—just like they did in 2012.

But what if they don’t? What if, after being pelted with rotten vegetables and expletives for more than a decade, the BCS decides to drop the mic on the way out and deliver three (or more) undefeated teams on its way out the door?

…The prospect of having more than two teams finish undefeated in a season is unlikely, but it’s also not unheard of. Just ask undefeated Auburn in 2004.

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