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Georgia Students Host ‘Drone Awareness Day’

At the University of Georgia, members of Young Americans for Liberty, a libertarian student group, recently hosted a “Drone Awareness Day” on campus. The goal was to inform students about the widespread use of unmanned drones by the U.S., which YAL member Anthony Rodriguez says results in ‘”collateral damage’ such as the deaths of children and civilians.”

We made a sign that drew a distinction between Obama and Bush on drone warfare, with Obama’s administration showing a huge increase in strikes and deaths. We had another board for our game called “Pin the Drone on the Warzone” in which participants would play “pin the tail on the donkey” except with drones. They had to hit a country that we were involved in — the ironic part being we are involved in almost every country.

Read the full story here.

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Image by Nicolas Halftermeyer / WMC

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