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Obama Awards Medal of Freedom to Pro-Chavez Socialist

Meet Dolores Huerta, recent Medal of Freedom recipient and authoritarian shill. From The New American:

President Barack Obama sparked more controversy after awarding the U.S. government’s highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, to divisive labor activist Dolores Huerta, a fellow “community organizer,” collectivist, radical feminist, as well as the honorary chair of Democratic Socialists of America. DSA, which openly calls for “restructuring society,” even more “massive redistribution of income” and increased central planning on its website, is the largest socialist organization in the nation and Socialist International’s main U.S. affiliate. …

The self-described “born-again feminist” has also drawn fire for working with and praising socialist Venezuelan tyrant Hugo Chavez; famous for jailing critics and political opponents, stealing property, waging war on press freedom, rigging elections, and establishing collective farms. Somehow, the infamous despot has managed to drive the formerly wealthy oil-rich economy into the ground so thoroughly — mostly through nationalization and wealth-redistribution schemes — that even water and electricity are now rationed.

Incredibly, however, speaking to students in 2006 about Chavez’s dictatorial rule, Huerta publicly wondered “why can’t we do that here in the United States?” And now, she plans to organize the “grassroots” this summer in an effort to re-elect Obama, she told reporters, claiming in an interview with the Desert Sun that her presidential award was also “a recognition of the importance of community organizing.”

Huerta is certainly not the first undeserving recipient of the Medal of Freedom. But she is undeserving.

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