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Soft Drinks Banned at Harvard?

It’s official–Harvard Square is about to go the way Pyongyang. Not to be outdone by the nanny state nut jobs who run New York City (who recently banned large soft drinks), the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts has launched a similar initiative to potentially ban soft drinks in restaurants.

The city, home to both Harvard University and MIT, passed a council resolution on Monday declaring that the “City Manager be and hereby is requested to refer the matter of a ban on soda and sugar-sweetened beverages in restaurants to the Cambridge Public Health Department for a recommendation.”

Would this potential ban apply to cafés, dining halls, or snack bars housed within the university itself? The resolution isn’t entirely clear on that point. But at the very least it seems students may find it more difficult to by a bottle of Coke in nearby restaurants.

And what about a grande latte at Starbucks? Or a can of Red Bull? Will those “sugar-sweetened beverages” be illegal for Harvard students as well?

It’s hard to meet a faculty member at Harvard who doesn’t believe in socialist-style government engineering of society. So I suppose they are getting what they all want up there. But still, you have to think that even the pinkest, most statist radical leftist at Harvard will suddenly turn into a freedom loving, government limiting conservative when he is denied his daily fix of sugary, caffeinated bliss.

They should start a new special interest group up in Cambridge–Latte Lovers for Liberty.

(via Drudge)

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