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Student cadets push for accommodations at Columbia

This fall, freshman LeTicia Brown wanted to move into her dorm room in the Living and Learning Center a week before Columbia’s New Students Orientation Program to take part in Fordham University’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps orientation.

But, according to Brown, when Fordham’s ROTC program contacted Columbia to make arrangements, Columbia informed them the room wasn’t ready and that Brown couldn’t move in. She stayed at Fordham for the duration of their orientation week.

“It was a huge inconvenience,” Brown said, adding that it was particularly frustrating because she already knew people who had moved in early to participate in other pre-orientation programs, such as COOP.

Brown, who comes from an army family, is one of seven Columbia students currently participating in the army ROTC program at Fordham this year. The program pays for her school, and in return she has agreed to serve in the army for four years after graduation.

Read the full story at the Columbia Spectator.

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