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Tickle Me This: Foot Fondler Fingers Boston College Students in Homes

Better wear socks to bed – and for heaven’s sake, lock your door – if you happen to live near Boston College, because there’s a foot fetishist on the loose, off-campus students tell Boston.com:

Teddy Raddell, a BC junior, said he was jolted from a sound sleep at 5 a.m. on a Sunday in October by the sound of someone running down the stairs of the house he shares with several fellow Boston College students.

“I thought my roommate had fallen down the steps,” Raddell said, “but then he started yelling. I got up and he said that he had woken up to someone touching his feet.” …

BC junior Daniel Marenzi said he woke up late, also on a Sunday in October, to his feet being tickled.

“I thought my friend was just trying to annoy me, but I soon realized it wasn’t anyone I knew,” Marenzi says. “I freaked out and sat up but he was already on the way out.”

One victim of “The Tickler” said the police presence in the neighborhood is erratic:

“I don’t think there is much that can be done, but hopefully the Boston police can throw a few more police around at weird times instead of just a million cops on Friday and Saturday nights, then one on Sunday night,” he said.

After a local sergeant told Boston.com the Tickler was “no myth,” the Boston Police Department released a statement throwing cold water on the tickle tales, saying it could confirm only one incident from the past two years where “a foot was touched.”

Read the whole article here.

h/t Campus Reform

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