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‘Uncomfortable Learning’ At Williams College

For those who’d like a glimpse at some of the latest Ivory Tower absurdities, be sure to check out Jonah Goldberg’s latest piece on National Review Online.

He tackles a lot – Young Republicans who won’t even call themselves that for fear of reprisal, commencement speaker controversies, college hypocrisies, and microaggressions – to name a few choice subjects:

Now that I got the important stuff out of the way, I gave a talk here at Williams College last night. The paperwork from my speakers’ bureau said I was being brought in by the Young Republicans. But, as the guy caught with a tranny hooker said to the cops, either there was some mistake or this was a clever ruse. I was in fact brought in by a group of impressive kids called simply “Uncomfortable Learning.”

I gather that the group is called this because, at Williams, if your group sounds conservative or libertarian, then lots of students will simply tune out, shun, or dismiss you. I get it, but I can’t say I love this sort of thing in principle. Indeed, it’s a bit ironic given that I was there to give my Tyranny of Clichés talk, which puts a lot of emphasis on the importance of owning labels and not hiding behind clever euphemisms.

Read more.

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