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Why Young Voters Just Love Justin Amash

Political commentator Jack Hunter at The Daily Caller has an interesting column about why young people flock to support Rep. Justin Amash, the libertarian rock star and rising Republican.

The piece starts with an anecdote about how 100 young people gave up $6,600 for Amash in a karaoke bar night fundraiser in Virginia recently.

Here’s the punchline:

Young people want smaller government. They want less war. They like the Bill of Rights. Bush-Cheney Republicans don’t. Justin Amash is cool. The old Republican Party is not.

The Republican Party needs to find a way to inspire young voters to pack themselves into a bar to pour their hearts, lungs, and wallets out for a leader they genuinely believe in.

To do so, Republicans will have to rethink some policy positions and learn from past mistakes. They will have to adapt to a country that is changing in ways young people see clearly and too many in the old guard don’t.

To inspire youth, Republicans will have to rediscover the importance of the Constitution. They will have to value liberty.

They will have to be more like Justin Amash.

Read more.

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