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Yale affiliates’ SSNs were searchable on Google

The University announced that the names and Social Security numbers of 43,000 people affiliated with Yale have been available to Google search engine users for the past 10 months.

Though Information Technology Services Director Len Peters said there is no indication that the information has been exploited, Yale has established a response center to answer questions from affected students, faculty, staff and alumni — all of whom were affiliated with the University in 1999 — and is offering them two years of free credit monitoring and identity theft insurance.

Yale did not discover the breach until June 30, Peters said. While Google representatives told the University that the file is no longer available in searches, they would not say whether any Google users had actually accessed the file.

“We immediately blocked that server from the Internet, removed the file and did a complete scan of the server to make sure there were no additional at-risk files,” Peters said.

Read the full story at the Yale Daily News.

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