The editorial board of the conservative Chicago Thinker wants the University of Chicago to refund students for every week of remote learning. It also wants to know who the “experts” are that are advising the almost completely vaccinated campus to start the semester with two weeks of remote learning.
“We condemn UChicago’s return to ‘Zoom University,’ the board wrote. “And we demand a significant reduction in tuition for every week of in-person classes and campus amenities limited or denied.”
It also wants to know who is telling the university it must return to online campus.
The Thinker editorial said:
UChicago repeatedly cites “experts” when attempting to justify its COVID decrees, but refuses to release the names of these individuals. This is inexcusable.
If the university trusts its decision makers, it should have no problem sharing their names with our community. Transparency is only inconvenient if there is something to hide.
Who are these anonymous experts crafting university policy? What are their names and credentials? What data are they relying upon? Who is calling the shots?
Our professors rightly demand that we students substantiate and cite our work, but UChicago fails to live up to its own, most basic of standards.
“We demand that the University of Chicago recommit to stellar, in-person instruction,” the conservative students said. “Until it does so, we demand that the university implement a significant tuition reduction, specifically the portion of tuition devoted to classes and access to school facilities, for every week of in-person classes and campus amenities limited or denied.”
“We demand that the university provide full financial compensation for all students whose travel accommodations have been disrupted by its latest COVID decrees,” the editorial said. “We demand that the university name those responsible for creating and implementing its COVID decrees, particularly its remote-learning policies.”
IMAGE: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock
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