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Chinese human rights scholar sounds alarm on Chinese government: poses threat to ‘all humanity’

Calls Chinese government ‘the biggest and most serious virus’

Chinese human rights activist Chen Guangcheng, who currently works as a visiting scholar at the Catholic University of America, said at a recent event that the Chinese Communist Party is “the biggest and most serious virus of all.”

He made the comments during a recent online presentation on April 24 hosted by Catholic University of America’s Institute for Human Ecology along with the Washington D.C.-based Faith & Law group titled “The Chinese Communist Party and the Coronavirus.”

Guangcheng, a self-taught blind lawyer who fled China after he was imprisoned and under house arrest for many years, said it is “time to recognize the threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to all humanity” and that the party “represses and manipulates information to strengthen its hold on power, regardless of the toll on human lives,” as reported by Catholic News Agency.

The agency reports that in 2012 Guangcheng was given sanctuary in the United States. Among his prior advocacy efforts, he reportedly drew worldwide attention to forced abortion in China and organized class-action litigation against China’s “violent enforcement of its one-child policy.”

But it is how the Chinese government responded to the outbreak of coronavirus in the city of Wuhan and its public reporting on the disease that Guangcheng said made the Chinese government “the biggest and most serious virus of all.”

From CNA’s report:

Guangchang cited reports of Chinese families being barricaded inside their own homes, and the group Human Rights Watch compiled stories of residents reportedly dying from lack of access to care during the lockdown.

“Whole families have been found dead in their apartments because they could not get out,” he said, noting that despite the CCP’s claim that it has the virus under control, lockdowns are currently in force in the city of Harbin.

“This is despite the authorities ordering everyone back to work and telling the outside world that they have the virus under control,” Guangcheng said. “The resurgence is directly related to the CCP hiding the truth, and cracking down on people who tried to share information on the virus.”

… “In summary, the CCP is the biggest and most serious virus of all, with over 193,000 people dead worldwide from the coronavirus,” the lawyer said. “There should be no question of the regime’s threat.”

Read the CNA report here

MORE: Chinese dissident says Harvard ordered him to cancel event

IMAGE: Poco a Poco / WMC

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