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Far-left U. Wisconsin student groups suspended after antisemitic chalkings

The University of Wisconsin chapters of Anticolonial Scientists and Mecha have been placed on interim suspension pending an investigation into chalkings which “endorsed violence, supported terrorist organizations and/or contained antisemitic comments.”

According to the student paper The Daily Cardinal, an interim suspension means a group “must cease activities [during] an investigation and decision from the CSO [Committee on Student Organizations].”

The report notes last weekend’s chalk messages had included “Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now,” “Power to Al-Qassam” (the military wing of Hamas), “Power to Hezbollah,” and “Down with ‘Israel’ down with ‘USA.’”

Others praised the Houthis, who use the slogan “God is great, death to the U.S., death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam.”

The Instagram page for the Anticolonial Scientists — since made inactive — posted news of its suspension which included the allegation of a chalking that read “curse all Jews.” It accused school officials of “mak[ing] up more lies.”

Mecha de UW-Madison’s Instagram account states “GLORY TO THE RESISTANCE! GLORY TO THE MARTYRS!” and says it supports the liberation of the Palestinian people from “the israeli entity.”

It also rejects the possibility of a two-state solution as this would be merely a “relationship with the colonizers and the colonized.” (Israel is consistently referred to as “israel” and the United States as “U.S.” throughout the message.)

MORE: U. Maryland Jewish community calls for ‘immediate action’ after ‘Holocaust 2.0’ chalking

“Our coalition believes that our points of unity must be against the zionist entity’s barbaric assault on the Palestinian people,” the group’s message concludes.

Mecha also takes issue with “israel’s” alleged influence in Latin America:

The Daily Cardinal notes one of its reporters had been approached by a chalker who asked “Why are you such a f—ing pussy?” Ironically, it appears all those who engaged in the chalkings were garbed in face-covering masks.

Anti-Defamation League Midwest Regional Director David Goldenberg told the paper “It’s obvious through the messages and signage of what these protesters are celebrating and calling for. For them, this is about violence towards Jews, the elimination of Jews from campus and the celebration of violence against Jews.”

When asked about last Saturday’s pro-Hamas messages, a representative of UW’s Students for Justice in Palestine said the group “can’t account for everyone’s perspective” and that “many people are here at very different stages and learning about what a free Palestine means.”

MORE: U. Wisconsin-La Crosse students complain about ‘discriminatory’ pro-Trump, pro-cop chalkings

IMAGES: The Daily Cardinal/X; Mecha de UW-Madison/Instagram

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.