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‘Gender unicorn’ taught at Oklahoma State University

LGBTQ ‘allies’ trained that ‘biological sex is an ambiguous word,’ male/female ‘mostly a European construct’

Oklahoma State University offers diversity certificate and credentialing programs that train students in LGBTQ ideology, inviting them to be “allies,” according to documents reviewed by a medical accountability nonprofit.

People “across the country are concerned about the elevation of identity politics above excellence in care,” so the organization has “many people sending in information about problematic programs and policies to our anonymous tip line,” Laura Morgan, program manager at Do No Harm, told The College Fix in an email in late January.

“Our research found that Oklahoma State University promotes a ‘diversity certificate program’ that includes Safe Zone training to encourage students to become ‘allies,'” Morgan told The Fix.

Oklahoma State University’s LGBTQ Safe Zone Allyship program “is a free workshop designed to identify and educate allies of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community on the OSU campus,” according to its website with the OSU Division of Institutional Diversity.

The course is offered for educators and “student leaders” and does not appear to be offered for credit, according to its website.

“A Safe Zone ally is someone who chooses to become educated about LGBTQ issues and believes all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions should be acknowledged and supported,” the website stated.

“In addition to providing a number of ‘LGBTQ+’ definitions, the Safe Zone presentation (and its accompanying ‘Ally Pack’) contains the ‘Gender Unicorn’ infographic to illustrate symbols of gender identity and expression,” Morgan stated.

The “Gender Unicorn” (pictured) is a graphic distributed by Trans Student Equality Resources, a U.S. “youth-led organization dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender non-conforming students through advocacy and empowerment,” according to its website.

TSER also offers the Gender Unicorn graphic in 15 languages and as a free coloring sheet.

“The Gender Unicorn is designed to help us understand gender, sex and attraction (sometimes referred to as ‘sexuality’),” according to ReachOut Australia, a mental health website for young people. “You can see that some of the concepts have arrows next to them, and others just have dots. This is because some concepts are on a spectrum or range, while others are more fixed.”

“Gender identity is inside us; it’s how we feel about our own gender,” ReachOut stated.

“How much do you feel like a man, a woman, or something else? This is your gender identity,” according to ReachOut. “This is a spectrum, because you could feel a little like a man, a lot like a woman, and maybe also a bit like something else.”

Male/female binary’ is mostly a European construct’

Documents distributed at OSU also questioned the division of humans into male and female.

“Biological sex is an ambiguous word that has no scale and no meaning besides that it is related to some sex characteristics,” according to another document obtained by Do Not Harm, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs reported last December. The document also stated that the male/female binary “is mostly a European construct.”

The Fix asked Angela Caddell, associate vice chancellor for communications at the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, whether the required module presents conflicts with academic freedom.

“Oklahoma’s public colleges and universities must make decisions regarding events and activities within the confines of the First Amendment and under the oversight of their respective governing boards,” Caddell stated.

MORE: University of Washington knowingly kept quiet on flawed transgender study

IMAGE: Trans Student Equality Resources

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About the Author
Declan Hurley -- University of Chicago