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GWU’s Election Day warning to students: stockpile ‘food, supplies, medicine’

It appears George Washington University officials are expecting some extreme unrest to hit the nation’s capitol come Election Day.

The Washington-D.C.-based private university has issued a dire warning of sorts to its students, advising them to prepare for the Election Day period like a natural disaster, according to screenshots of the memo.

“Before Tuesday, we recommend that you have at least one week of food, supplies and medicine in your room,” the memo states. “We suggest preparing for the Election Day period as you would for a hurricane or a snowstorm that would prevent you from going outside for several days to grab food or order takeout.”

“…Pick foods that have a long shelf life, including: rice, pasta, hard and soft grains, dried fruits, nuts and seeds, canned food, honey, etc.”

George Washington University media affairs did not respond to a request for comment Friday from The College Fix about the memo.

The Washington Post reports D.C. as a whole is bracing for unrest, with businesses boarding up windows.

“Officials are advising shop owners to sign up for crime alerts and to keep their insurance information handy,” the Post reports.

“As a turbulent election season draws to a close, authorities across the country worry frustration may spill onto the streets, and officials are watching for disturbances at the polls or protests in their communities. That tension is heightened in the nation’s capital, where the White House and other symbols of government regularly draw demonstrators.”

George Washington University, in a campus advisory posted online, also warned students to “Make sure doors close and lock behind you as you arrive and depart” and “do not allow strangers into GW buildings.”

The Hatchet, GWU’s student newspaper, also reports that officials have advised students as to where they can receive counseling if the results of the election upset them, including Counseling & Psychological Services, the CARE Team and academic advisers.

George Washington University is not alone. As The College Fix reported last week, universities across the nation are preparing students to emotionally cope with the election results.

MORE: Republican students say they have had a prof go on anti-Trump tangent

IMAGE: Chris Owens / Shutterstock

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.