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Report: Brooklyn College Rejects $10M from Koch Brothers

Apparently Brooklyn College is run by zealots.

Ian Tuttle of National Review writes that Brooklyn College reportedly rejected a $10 million gift from the Left’s favorite punching bags – the Koch Brothers.

The New York Post reports that Brooklyn College has rejected a $10 million offer from the Koch brothers to expand the institution’s School of Business. The college has denied that any such offer was made, but business professor Mitchell Langbert, who says he was contacted by the Koch Foundation, excoriated School of Business administrators for repulsing the gift and even penned a letter to the New York Senate Education Committee.

Charles and David Koch, who own and operate Koch Industries, have become a source for regular outrage from the Left. Liberals have protested their $25 million gift to the United Negro College Fund, their $1.5 million gift to Florida State University’s economics department, and even their $100 million gift to New York-Presbyterian Hospital to fund a new wing for cancer patients.

The bottom line is Brooklyn College would rather teach students in its School of Business anti-capitalism propaganda than accept money from wealthy entrepreneurs who could actually serve as examples of  how to make money and create economic growth.

“The Kochs are despised by Democrats for pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into political advocacy groups helping to elect Republicans and attacking liberal causes,” The New York Post reports.

“It’s political correctness. It’s intolerance about anyone who doesn’t toe the left-wing line,” Langbert told The Post.Brooklyn

And let’s remember, this is the same asinine college that replaced its longtime logo, a silhouette of the iconinc LaGuardia Hall clock tower erected in the 1930s, because some feminists thought it looked like a giant penis.

As Tuttle points out: “N.B. to prospective collegians: If you’re looking for a genuinely open-minded academic experience, Brooklyn College may not be the place for you.”

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About the Author
Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.