The politically correct, Maoist-style cultural revolution rolls on across America as yet another college employee has fallen victim to “the mob.”
Peter Amico was let go from his job at New Jersey’s Rowan University on June 8 where he had served for ten years as director of the university’s emergency management office.
The reason? According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, twenty-six years ago as a police officer for the Glassboro Police Department, Amico shot and killed a (black) teenager who, according to the official report, had attacked him with a knife.
Other witnesses, “including the teen’s mother and cousin,” disputed the report, and protests were held as a result. However, a grand jury did not indict Amico, and the US Justice Department — which was under the purview of the (Democratic) Clinton Administration — “declined to take action” on civil rights violations.
Rowan President Ali A. Houshmand cited the “national spotlight on social justice and police matters” as the reason for Amico’s dismissal.
“Given the circumstances of Amico’s employment prior to serving at the university and the necessarily painstaking evaluation of Rowan’s institutional commitment to racial justice and equity, Amico’s employment will be discontinued,” Houshmand said.
A Change.org petition was established two weeks ago demanding that Amico be terminated from his position. It states
Whereas Peter Amico said that he was “proud’ to accept a racist Combat Cross Award given by Gloucester County police organizations for killing Eltarmine Sanders, and
Whereas Rowan University’s hiring of Peter Amico to direct its Office of Emergency Management was a revolting insult to the Sanders family and to African Americans everywhere, and
Whereas, “Protection of Human Life” is the first priority of Rowan’s Office of Emergency Management, Peter Amico’s continued presence as the person in charge says loudly that “Black Lives Don’t Matter” at Rowan University […]
Following Houshmand’s announcement regarding Amico, an update was posted to the petition stating a “measure of social justice” was won, and that Rowan “is investigating the systemic racism on its campuses.”
Read the article and petition.
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IMAGE: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.com
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