Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Technology ‘Star Wars’ spoof paper on Jedi powers inside cells accepted by peer-reviewed science journals
'Involved in ATP production is the citric acid cycle, also referred to as the Kyloren cycle after its discoverer.'
Curriculum Healthcare Politics Student tries to get professor in trouble for assigning her libertarian reading
'Please retweet! I pay big $ to go to @UofStFrancis & they assign me ideological garbage.'
Abortion/Pro-life Healthcare Sex Ed How a pregnancy center near Larry Bird’s alma mater drove Planned Parenthood out of business
Study your market, undercut your competitor - and location, location, location.
Free Speech Healthcare New Stanford debate group criticized for giving ‘legitimacy’ to Obamacare repeal
Why debate Obamacare? Repeal is 'even more on the fringe and almost twice as unpopular as' a military coup.
Healthcare Higher Education UC Santa Barbara student group offers kits to test purity of illicit ecstasy pills
University offers support, promotion for recreational drug screening.
Healthcare Politics Second Amendment Christian college professor suggests murdering Republican congressman is ‘self defense’
Voting for the Republican healthcare bill gives you the right to invoke #StandYourGround.