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TikTok removes College Fix video of leftists flipping table at Riley Gaines event

Company falsely claims the video has been restored

Video sharing platform TikTok removed a popular College Fix video that showed two leftists being detained by police after they flipped a table prior to an event with Riley Gaines.

The video shows the masked leftists attacking the table at Pennsylvania State University. They were handcuffed by police on disorderly conduct accusations.

TikTok first removed the video for “bullying and doxxing” after it had been up for about 12 hours and had been viewed more than 120,000 times with thousands of positive comments.

The virality of the video is a success considering The Fix’s relatively new account has only a few hundred followers.

The Fix filed an appeal and the video was restored for around four hours, before the company removed it again for “abusive behavior” – at this point the video had nearly half a million views.

A second appeal has not been successful, despite the company’s claims otherwise. The Fix reached out to TikTok and sent all of this information, but has not heard back.

The video has not caused problems on any other Big Tech platforms. However, The Fix is no stranger to the whims of Big Tech platforms labeling true information as harmful.

For example, Facebook previously slapped a “fact-checkers” warning on a cartoon about the Cat in the Hat being canceled, which was meant to play off cancellations of Dr. Seuss, by using similar poetic language on the drawing.

Development Associate Hope Johnson, who runs several social media accounts for The Fix, criticized the company’s censorship.

“TikTok should remove its censorship of The College Fix’s account and allow its users to see how leftists attacked a table at a Riley Gaines event,” Johnson stated. “The Fix did not name the individuals nor was any other identifying information included in the article, so it is a complete farce that the video was abusive, bullying or ‘doxxing’ anyone.”

“Interestingly, no other Big Tech platform, even those inclined to censor conservative voices, have identified our video as problematic.”

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IMAGES: The College Fix

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