‘Have the material and psychic conditions of capitalist patriarchy prevented you from being the confident, nerdy bicycle mechanic you would love to be’
A University of Oregon workshop will help LGBT students overcome barriers to learning about bike repair due to the “capitalist patriarchy.”
The class, which runs until the end of February, “covers topics including fixing flats, wheel hub overhauls, wheel truing, brake adjustments, drivetrains, and derailleurs.”
But it is not aimed at just anyone interested in learning how to keep their Schwinn running.
Instead, the event description states:
Have the material and psychic conditions of capitalist patriarchy prevented you from being the confident, nerdy bicycle mechanic you would love to be? Calling femmes, women, trans, non-binary, and other gender diverse humans wanting to learn (or learn more) about the joys of bicycle maintenance!!! FTW (Femmes/Trans/Women).
It is run through the division of student life’s outdoor program.
Young America’s Foundation highlighted the class on its New Guard blog. The university told the publication the class is “basically just for people who have been, like, underrepresented in outdoor spaces, and they might not have got the opportunity to be outdoors. The capitalist patriarchy has caused outdoor programming to be discriminatory against those who are not white men — so it’s a space for those people to tell each other how to work on their bikes.”
YAF commented on the class, stating:
Given how much this university evidently despises capitalism, you may be surprised to learn that this workshop has a registration fee of $65.
Putting aside the fact that “femme, trans, and womyn-identifying” are all made-up identities, the university’s suggestion that the free market and men are preventing these confused students from learning how to patch a flat tire are, of course, ridiculous.
A man invented the bicycle, and without the free market, these students certainly wouldn’t be riding around campus on bikes as nice as the ones they own.
Also thanks to the free market, University of Oregon students, regardless of race, sex, religion, or made-up leftist gender identity, have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to their bicycle maintenance needs and just about everything else. The only thing holding them back is their own desire to claim victimhood.
This is not the first time a university or its students have claimed the outdoors excludes individuals based on their identity.
The “Woodlums” group at the University of Southern California works to get black students outside in order to break down “environmental racism,” as previously reported by The College Fix.
Dartmouth College hosts an annual “All Outside” Conference to “foster inclusivity for marginalized communities,” The Fix previously reported.
Furthermore, North Carolina State University Professor KangJae “Jerry” Lee has stated “historical institutional racism has banished people of color from the great outdoors.”
Other outdoor activity groups have jumped into political activism without any clear ties to related topics such as conservation or hunting. The University of Pittsburgh’s Outdoors Club helped raise money for abortion giant Planned Parenthood in 2022, following the reversal of Roe v. Wade, as previously reported by The Fix.
MORE: UW-Oshkosh event targeted at everyone but straight white males
IMAGE: Kzenon/Canva
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