Search for "white supremacy"
Analysis Political Correctness Racial issues Biden DOE official: Democracy is based on white supremacy
Wasn't the recent election all about PRESERVING democracy?
Political Correctness Racial issues Professor tells Dr. Phil: ‘White supremacy is embedded in everything’
ASU professor: 'White supremacy is embedded in everything, in everything, and cultural appropriation is about that.'
Politics Racial issues Supreme Court ‘founded to defend white supremacy,’ should be abolished: race scholar
Claims Justice Barrett was ‘illegitimately appointed.'
Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues White Privilege Yale professor: Biden not taking time off due to COVID ‘epitomizes white supremacy’
He 'sets a bad example for everyone.'
Analysis Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues State health agency postpones meeting because ‘urgency’ is ‘white supremacy’
Chalk up yet another victim of critical race theory.